Are you a Mentor?
The Mentor Capacity Building Program and Handbook is for you !

What is the Handbook?

The RestArt Handbook aims to provide guidelines for mentors on how to use the toolkit “Empowering Restarting Women Entrepreneurs: Unleash The Potential with the Mentor’s Toolkit”. The toolkit aims to enhance the skills of mentors by providing them with insights into effective mentoring techniques, communication strategies, problem-solving approaches, and conflict-resolution methods. It equips mentors with the ability to foster a supportive and conducive environment for the growth and development of restarting women entrepreneurs in art and creative industries.


Moreover, the decision tree for the RestART Toolkit is a valuable tool for mentors, offering structured guidance through a series of questions and options to help identify specific mentoring needs and objectives. By asking targeted questions about goals, communication preferences, and skill development, the decision tree provides customised recommendations for mentoring strategies and resources. It enables mentors to allocate their time and effort effectively, ensuring they invest in activities directly contributing to their mentees’ growth and development. Overall, the decision tree promotes continuous improvement and empowers mentors to optimise their approach for a more impactful mentorship experience.

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