Restarting Businesses in the Creative and Arts Industry through Mentorship

Project Summary

RestART Europe aims to bring together secondchance female entrepreneurs and potential mentors in the arts and creative industries to improve the quality of mentoring and generate a positive impact for both female entrepreneurs seeking a second chance, and the arts and creative industries that have been affected by the pandemic.

This goal will be achieved by providing flexible and innovative training to potential mentors to be the vehicle to equip second-chance female entrepreneurs with the entrepreneurial and 21st-century skills needed for both entrepreneurship and the arts and creative industries. In addition, the goal will be achieved by developing a set of instruments and courses that help mentors to address the business and psychological needs of female entrepreneurs seeking a second chance after failure.

The consortium of the project is composed of five partner organizations: FH Münster University of Applied Sciences (FH Münster), Accreditation Council for Engaged and Entrepreneurial Universities (ACEEU), Università Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico II (UNINA), Friesland College and Uniersidade Lusófona. The project is led by the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre at the FH Münster University of Applied Sciences.

Our motivation

The NEED for a comprehensive analysis arises from the lack of data and visibility surrounding women’s inequality in the art and creative industries. While a large number of studies on female entrepreneurs exists, e.g., on their motivations, gender issues in culture, and entrepreneurship in culture and creative industries. However, lack of empirical knowledge exists about the skills needed. Needs and desires of female entrepreneurs in the arts and creative industries, who are in the “loop of restarting”, and about what are the primary skills and competencies that mentors need in order to become agents of impact for these female entrepreneurs when undertaking a business for a second time.

Do you want to know more about the state of our R-ART analysis?

A new map of challenges in the entrepreneurship domain arises.
There is a risk that COVID-19 will undo decades of progress in advancing female entrepreneurship, especially in the arts and creative industry.

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